Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 3

Oops-I forgot to publish this last week, although it was all written on Monday. Good thing I do not have anyone depending upon me to blog.

Here is it Monday morning at 5:30, and I am on my second cup of coffee. I spent half and hour Saturday morning organizing the week ahead, making copies, and rearranging our homeschool bookshelf, this morning all I had to do was put the work into our hanging folder, which took all of 1 minute, then spent the rest of my time reading everyone else's homeschool blogs.

Our week is going to be a little bit unusual, since we are taking Thursday off to go hiking with my visiting friend. She will actually be here Wednesday until Friday morning, but only affects out homeschool for one day. (It ended affecting school for two days, because I had to clean and organize the playroom/guestroom Wednesday morning, and Truman had to help. We didn't go hiking, either, because it was pouring-we went to the Bainbridge Island Children's Museum instead.)

Week 3 and we are mostly into the hang of full-time schooling again.  Our work for the week-
Sequential Spelling-4 days a week, test every day given by mom, no other memorization otherwise
Poetry of Walter de la Mare-4 days a week, 3-4 poems per day (they're short) read by both mom and T
Right Start Math-4 days a week, always with Mom
Piano-6 days a week, but 4 of those days Mommy sits down and works on theory with Truman.
Copywork-4 days a week.  Right now he is working on Cursive, writing out all of the people we are
Spanish-DVD once a week, easy Spanish vocabulary twice a week, Spanish cartoon 1x/week
R.E.A.L. Science Chemistry-Twice per week, experiment once a week. With Mom!
Story of the World-Chapter 3 and 4 this week-Medieval monasteries, Justinian, Byzantine empire.    
       Truman will be thrilled that there is advanced map work.
The Little Duke-Chapter 2 and work on our character list. 
Cultural Study-Meet Jesus storybook
Tree in the Trail-chapter 4, read by Truman, out loud to Mom and Henry
Burgess Animal Book, chapters 5 and 6, and add the new animals to our huge diagram
Understood Betsy-Chapter 2.  Mommy LOVES this story, and has already read way ahead.
Pilgrim's Progress/Dangerous Journey+Character sketch
Among the Forest People-A Story about Hedgehogs
Nature Study-neighborhood Maple Trees
Composer Study-Truman finished his Beethoven Book and listen to every single piece on the CD, now is    
       dictating a synopsis to me.
Handicrafts-made a dog leash holder at Lowe's, plus worked on his Leather crafting projects....Christmas 
       gifts for relatives....
Artist Study-we abandoned Albrecht Durer this week and just reviewed our artists from previous years, ie.
       Cassatt, Monet, Sargent, Van Gogh.
Folk Song-Golden Vanity continued.  Truman says the idea gives him nightmares about drowning. :(
Recipe-Toast and Partially cooked eggs in an egg cup for dipping. Truman thinks this is very **fancy**

1 comment:

  1. We read chapter 2 of Understood Betsy this morning and I am also smitten by this book! I am steeling myself not to read ahead as I have promised God I will not read another book for my own pleasure until I have finished reading the bible ...
    By the way, is that a puppy I see? We are trying to homeschool with a labradoodle puppy - not easy!
    Thank you for your lovely blog.
